My Sexuality, My Responsibility
Being married doesn’t mean you have to have children. Ask yourself if this is the right time to have a family.
Enjoy your sexuality and leave behind your prejudices.
General Objective
CASA is increasing its investment in programs in contraception and sexual education in response to the recommendation of the World Health Organization of 25 March 2020 to maintain during the COVID 19 pandemic essential services and of highest priority reproductive health services, in particular family planning. My Sexuality, My Responsibility supports women’s access to free contraception and prevents unplanned pregnancies.Schedule your appointment
Call 415 152 6181 at the CASA Clinic where a midwife or gynecologist will help you to decide which contraception is ideal for you. We have:- Copper and Silver IUDs
- Subcutaneous Implants
- Injectables (Monthly)
- Condoms
- Emergency Pills
- Lubricant
Family Planning Shops
We know that getting contraceptives such as condoms can at times be expensive or not close to your home. Because of this, we have volunteers who are business owners (groceries, stationery shops etc.) where they will gift you condoms, lubricants and emergency pills distributed by CASA. Become familiar with our interactive map with a list of shops authorized by CASA. Click on the icons on the map to see the hours, directions and exact locations and names of businesses.contact us
CASA Clinic: Indalecio Allende 4, Colonia San Rafael, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. Tel (415) 152 6181 Family planning consultation: Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm CASA Community Center: Santa Julia 15, Col. Santa Julia, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. Phone: (415) 154 6090
Decals for public restrooms
Campaign Achievements
Women attended to with contraceptives during the period of 17 June 2020 to 15 December 2020. CCorresponding to 78% of the global goal achieved.
Total Women: 898
- IUD: 219
- Subcutaneous implants:485
- Monthly Injections 194
Of which 230 implants belong to the stock of the Secretary of Health of Guanajuato State and 668 (255 implants, 219 IUD and 194 monthly injections) to the CASA Maternity Clinic.
Age Distributions:
- 189 women de 16 a 20 years: 21%
- 355 women of 21 a 25 years: 37%
- 189 women of 16 a 20 years: 21%
- 106 women of 31 de 35 años: 12%
- 79 women of 36 to 40: 9%
Age Percentages
- 21% of users assisted were 15 a 20 years old
- 58% of users assisted were less than 26 years old
- 79% of users assisted were less than 31 years old
- 91% of users assisted were less than 36 years old
- 59% have one or less children
- 83% have two or less children
No of children.
- 255 women without children: 28%
- 280 women with one child: 31%
- 211 women with two children: 24%
- 85 women with three children 10%
- 67 women with four children: 7%
Prior gynecological and obstretrical
(procedures for delivery)
- 146 women with cesarean births: 16%
- 383 women with vaginal deliveries: 43%
- 114 women with both: 13%
- 255 women with neither: 28%
Women with prior contraceptive use
- 584 women who used one contraceptive method previously: 65%
- 314 women who are using contraception for the first time: 35%
Contraceptive methods used previously
- 170 subcutaneous implants: 29%
- 136 contraceptive injection: 23%
- 133 IUD: 23%
- 98 condoms: 16%
- 31 birth control pill: 5%
- 7 patch 1%
- 9 Mirena 2%
Updated: December 17, 2020