Every Act of Love Begins at CASA AC

💖 Let's celebrate the month of love and friendship with everything! 💖

In it San Miguel de Allende Center for Adolescents - CASA AC We know that every act of love begins at HOME 🏡, and this month we want you to join our celebration in a super special way.

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General Practitioner


Rosario Castellanos Library.


Don't miss out, this February is all yours! 🙌💘

Measures and actions to take into account before COVID19

Manual for Pregnant Women in Times of COVID-19

Developed by CASA AC

Recommendations of the Ministry of Health

The following recommendations must be followed in order to raise awareness and collaborate with the security measures provided by the State and Federal Secretary of Health. It is worth mentioning that the follow-up of these measures is for all personnel without exception for own prevention and prevention of
our users.

CASA AC was mentioned at minute 14:40

1.- All staff must wear a full uniform (surgical pajamas) and non-slip closed shoes during service delivery hours and the uniform will be removed when leaving the Clinic, as well as when assessing users in the case of midwives out of shift established.

2.- To enter working hours, each professional will clean their work area with water + chlorine (1lt water X 2 tablespoons of chlorine) in the same way at the end of their activities, so a tray of this dilution will be placed before start of the morning shift by the cleaning person and must be changed at the end of each shift.

3.- Commonly used items such as sphygmomanometers, thermometers, stethoscopes, Doppler, ultrasound transducer, ligatures, computer keyboard, computer mouse with alcohol 70%, must be sanitized before each user and patient.

4.- The access door to clinics and hospitalization will be kept closed in order to control the flow of entry and exit of users and family members.

5.- When users and family members enter the clinic, they will be offered the application of alcohol-gel or they will be encouraged to wash their hands with soap and water in the toilets of common use for clients.

6.- Pregnant users will be instructed to only go with a companion to the consultation, if the companion presents flu or cough data, they will not be able to enter the office with the pregnant woman and a face mask will be provided.

7.- Health providers must wear mouth covers during their consultation in order to avoid contagion in case of receiving a suspicious user.

8.- People who come to request the application of injections must strictly carry a medical prescription and only the applicant will be able to access the office.

9.- For the preparation of food, the food must be thoroughly cleaned and its proper cooking verified in the case of meat and/or vegetables.

10.- Utensils such as spoons, forks, plates, etc. they should be washed with soap and chlorine before use with hospitalized users.

11.- Visiting hours for hospitalized users will be strictly respected and only one visitor or companion may remain at a time, in the event that any of the visitors present symptoms of flu or cough, access to the hospitalization area will be restricted.

12.- Visitors/companions and women in labor-delivery-puerperium will be asked to wash their hands with soap and water before entering the room in the sink of the pediatric area even if they do not present flu data or cough.

13.- The companions of the hospitalized users will not be able to offer food to the women and they will not be able to consume solid food in the rooms, it will be facilitated that they can make use of the garden tables located in the hospitalization patio and on the upper floor.

14.- Avoid staff staying in the reception area, since it is the point of greatest influx and crowds must be avoided.

15.- Encourage users and staff to recommend keeping a healthy distance (1.5mts. between people)
In case of receiving a woman or relative with data of suspicion of COVID19, apply protocol. (ANNEX)

Pregnancy management protocol and COVID19
at the CASA Maternity Clinic,

San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato

Every Act of Love Begins at CASA AC

💖 Let's celebrate the month of love and friendship with everything! 💖

In it San Miguel de Allende Center for Adolescents - CASA AC We know that every act of love begins at HOME 🏡, and this month we want you to join our celebration in a super special way.

✨Take advantage of our exclusive promotions! ✨




General Practitioner


Rosario Castellanos Library.


Don't miss out, this February is all yours! 🙌💘

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