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The purpose of the campaign is to inform the largest number of the population on issues of Gender Equality and Violence Prevention.
Every year ELEGIR together with CASA programs commemorate International Women's Day, on March 8, with the aim of promoting gender equality and awareness of women's rights, in 2019 we managed to inform around 800 people.
Follow us on our Facebook and find out about our next campaigns.
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A workshop has approximately 3 or 4 sessions lasting 1 hour with a specific theme, it is carried out with groups of people, mainly women and it is adapted to the needs of those who request it.
Our most requested topics are:
- Self esteem
- violence prevention
- dating violence
- stereotypes
- gender equality
- Emotions
- Bullying
ELEGIR is made up of trained psychologists and adapts to the needs of each institution or person who requests us.
The workshops have a significant recovery fee so that the program can continue to support its activities.
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Our health fairs are events in collaboration with other organizations such as, LAYER, CAISES, DIFF, IMAM, Public Ministry, Public Security, General Hospital and Red Cross.
The ELEGIR program has agreements with these institutions to more easily access the procedures and services they provide.
In 2019, ELEGIR served approximately more than 1,500 people.