Mid-Wife Assisted Care for Home Births

The team of midwives offers care and accompaniment for home births at low risk in the comfort of your home. Beforehand, an evaluation is performed to determine if this care is appropriate for you. The majority of women are. We are ready with a team, materials, inputs and medicines to provide this service to you in accordance with your birthing plans.

During your delivery you can receive massages, support to walk around, recommendations for exercises to with your partner which assist in the baby’s descent, permitting the immediate contact between mother-baby and father-baby and permitting the delayed cutting of the umbilical cord, creating a warm and safe environment.

The midwives work from a humanistic and wholistic focus. They use alternative techniques during consultations and the delivery to manage pain and favoring a birth without unnecessary procedures, putting at the center the desires and preferences of the family in order that together they can live the experience that they so much want to have for their healthy newborn.

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