global campaign

The CASA AC family grows with each donation.

For 40 consecutive years, thousands of Mexican families have annually received free or low-cost cultural, health and educational services, thanks to donations.

During the pandemic to date, we have not laid off any of our young workers or professional team or reduced our services.

To continue the same in 2021, we need you to join CASA.

every peso counts. We thank you in advance for your donation

Our programs

Community Health Program (PSC)

Help vulnerable populations, especially young people, to make informed and safe decisions by providing secular and scientific information about their sexual and reproductive rights and free services such as contraceptives.

Child Development Center (CDI)

Since 1985 CASA AC has provided childcare and preschool services for the children of single mothers and fathers, as well as for low-income families.

Children receive comprehensive, educational and high-quality care in a space that allows them to develop autonomy and play.

Casa AC Maternity Clinic

Our work is based on the firm belief that every woman has the right to choose where and how to give birth, accompanied by the person she prefers. Our midwives and gynecologists are at your service.

Libraries Program

It was founded in 1990 as an initiative of CASA AC workers. In 2004, the Rosario Castellanos Public Library was inaugurated. In 2007 arises the Community Library Network that provides access to literature and art to communities in vulnerable areas. In 2018 starts the Mobile Library that brings activities to communities, in 2019 there were more than 35,000 loans and we continue to lend books, particularly to children who cannot go to school due to the pandemic.

Center Choose

It is run by women lawyers and has a large team of psychologists. Since the pandemic began, the demand for legal assistance for victims of violence, psychological counseling and temporary shelter services have increased. Our emergency line is available 24/7.

Ranchero Pandillero

We at Ranchero Pandillero are a team of young artists and ex-gang members committed to social justice. We foster a culture of peace and respect through hip hop and other art forms.

 Our work arises in response to the high rates of violence and substance use, we work a lot with youth in gangs because they are the ones with the highest risk of being victims or perpetrators of violence.

Almost all young people take risks and explore limits, but sometimes these can have irreversible consequences. Belonging to Ranchero Pandillero is a fun and healthy alternative for many young people.

Please invest in your community, Join others with a monthly donation, Every peso counts!

More than 90% of the money goes directly to services.

your donation is tax-deductible.

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