Gang Intervention

The Ranchero Pandillero program promotes peace between gangs and young people in situations of violence with the tools of Hip Hop culture.

Program coordinators intervene in conflicts to reduce violence and provide individualized support for those who need it.

They also support young people who want to leave an environment of violence and drugs to dedicate themselves to art.

Ranchero Pandillero gives them the tools to develop in rap, graffiti, breakdance or DJ

Conflict Mediation

has been achieved

In the San Luis Rey neighborhood there are four gangs that since 2014 have had different confrontations, which made San Luis Rey one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the city.

In 2017, the Ranchero Pandillero team began to intervene with these gangs in the organization of community events and individual intervention.

In the Allende neighborhood one of the most serious problems of the city is experienced. In this place there are two main gangs which have been in rivalry for almost three generations, resulting in several dead youths.

In 2019, Ranchero gang member has had an approach with these young people and is looking for a truce between the two gangs.

During 2019 Ranchero Pandillero intervened in 2 neighborhoods of San Miguel de Allende

Individualized Support

  • Ranchero Pandillero's coordinators are ex-gang members who know the problems of youth well. They create bonds of trust with young people to support them, listen to their problems and provide guidance.
  • Those people who require more attention are channeled to the psychologists of the ELEGIR program so that they can receive professional help. The team also works with the Community Health Program distributing condoms and other contraceptive methods.

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