Category: births


Births July 2020 Congratulations to these new moms and dads, it's great that they had the opportunity to witness the birth of their children in a warm environment. Winners of the raffle for free delivery care...

Deliveries June

Have you ever thought about how wonderful our body is to be able to create life, we live so fast every day that we are used to not enjoying things as we should. Pregnancy is definitely...

May 17-24, 2020 Births

The World Week of Respected Childbirth came at one of the most difficult times that humanity has gone through: the pandemic caused by Covid-19 has completely changed our lives, but it has also disrupted childbirth protocols.…

May 11- 16 – Births 2020

Each woman decides how to give birth. Decide if you want to be accompanied and by whom you want to be. Decide who you want to care for you and where you want to give birth. “By giving birth to our babies, we may find that we give…

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